PocketMatter Labs, Inc. Apps

CoffeeNotes - All About Coffee 1.0.6
CoffeeNotes is the ultimate coffee app for thecoffee connoisseur or simply for those that would like to brewcoffee like a barista. CoffeeNotes is like no other in that itpredicts coffee strength upfront for the selected brewer and coffeetype. Based on the "Science of Coffee", you will immediately seehow adjusting the grind size will effect the coffee brew ratiowhile maintaining the same coffee strength.Automagically Calculates Brew Ratio: Getting the correctwater to coffee ratio is something more complicated than you mightexpect other than by trial and error. Getting the correct amountsis even more critical for single serve brewers. Did you know thatthe brew ratio will change going from a drip brewer to a Frenchpress? Many other factors are built into the coffee extractionmodel used in CoffeeNotes.Integrated Brew Timer: Integrating the coffee timer intoCoffeeNotes allows for presetting the brew times based on thebrewer selected. The timer includes a "bloom" timer for the initialwetting of the coffee grinds. The timer animation, which simulatescoffee dripping into your phone, is a fun way of visuallydetermining the time remaining.Coffee Rating System: Once you have your coffee recipeperfected, you will want to record the settings for future use. Therating page will be generated with your current settings. All youneed to do is add a title and rating scores. Included with therating system is a cupping score and flavor wheel picker. Theinteractive custom pickers are intuitive and fun to use. Based onthe selections you pick, a detailed coffee description is"automagically" created.Brewer Usage Notes: Each brewer can be given their ownusage notes and steps involved in the brewing process. Includepictures in the details of your notes using your camera or takenfrom a photo gallery.Create Custom Brewers: CoffeeNotes comes pre-installedwith three basic types of coffee brewers: Automatic Drip, ManualPour-over and French Press. Create your own brewers using theBrewer Configuration dialog. It is easy to create your own brewingmethod for brewers you create. An example for creating an Aeropressbrewer is described online. Selecting and creating custom brewersis the best way to experiment with different brewingtechniques.Locate Coffee Establishments: When you are traveling, youcan use CoffeeNotes to find the closest coffee shops and coffeeroasters in the area. You can display the result on a map or as alist which when selected will give you more details on theestablishment.CoffeeNotes aims to change the way we think about brewingcoffee. Our goal is to enhance your coffee experience and encouragenew and creative ways to brew that "cup of joe" to a whole newlevel.Coming Soon! Coffee Grind Analysis taken directly from photos onyour smartphone.